We are excited to announce that all children ages 0-5 who register and live in Garvin County will receive ONE FREE BOOK each month from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library!
Simply scan the QR code below and fill out the registration information!
Our Garvin County Librarians and Staff members have worked together to bring this program to Garvin county!
We would like to thank those who have given generously to make this happen. This will be life-changing for many of our children and families. If you would like to be a sponsor or give a donation, contact Natalie Baker @ nbaker@wynnewood.k12.ok.us


Due to technical issues, the internet and phones(possibly) will be down throughout the school district. If you need to contact the schools and the phones don't work, please email the principals or come to the school.
ES- smoore@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
MS- galfred@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
HS- adixon@wynnewood.k12.ok.us

Wynnewood Invitational December 12th - 14th.
You can watch from your computer or phone. (Youtube no longer works)
There is also a" Hudl Fan" app for Apple and Android phones.

WMS Parents,
Tomorrow starts the Wynnewood High Basketball Tournament. If you plan on checking your child out of school to attend during the school day, they must be accompanied by and under the supervision of a parent/guardian. If your child attends unsupervised, the parent/guardian will be contacted to pick them up.
Thank you for your cooperation

You can watch from your computer or phone. (Youtube no longer works)
There is also a" Hudl Fan" app for Apple and Android phones.

Just a reminder

HS Football game at Walters has been postponed until 1pm tomorrow due to a lighting issue.

The Administration office will be closed today Thursday Nov 7th due to training. Please feel free to leave a voicemail.

Good Morning Wynnewood,
Our plans are to carry on business as usual and provide a safe space for those students who might otherwise be home alone. However, we all know the weather changes our plans. So if you are uncomfortable and wish to pick up your children we understand and they will not be penalized. Be safe out there.

October Update
Monday, Oct 7th- No School/Staff day
Thursday, Oct 17th-Monday, Oct 21st- Fall Break


This Saturday!

September 2024

Tomorrow is the Big Day! Please vote!

FYI- Early Voting

Reminder for tomorrow night. See you there!

FYI-** Venue Change** Please help spread the word through our community especially to those that do not have social media.