Office of Special Education Services 

Voice: 405-665-4371, Fax: 405-665-2405


Child Find Program 2022-2023

With changing times in education, the Wynnewood Public School District would like to inform parents/guardians about “child find” opportunities.

All children with disabilities, residing in the state, whether attending public or private schools, should be identified, located, and evaluated.

In Oklahoma, we require that “child find” apply to all children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education and related services.  We want to make everyone aware of this service that is provided to children with disabilities free of charge throughout the state of Oklahoma.  If you would like more information on “child find” contact the administrator or counselor at your local public school or the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Special Education Services at (405) 522-3248.

Contact names and numbers for Wynnewood Schools are listed below.

Public Notice

Wynnewood Public Schools

Notice to Parents Regarding Child Identification, Location, Screening and Evaluation

This notice is to inform parents and guardians living in the Wynnewood Public School district of child identification, location, screening, and evaluation activities to be conducted through the year by the school district in coordination with the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Personally identifiable information shall be collected and maintained in a confidential manner in carrying out the following activities.

Referral: Preschool children ages 3-5 and students enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grade who are suspected of having disabilities which may require special education and related services may be referred for screening and evaluation through the local school district.

Screening: Screening activities may include vision, hearing, and health. Other screening activities may include review of records and educational history, interviews, observations, and specially developed readiness or educational screening instruments.

Educational Evaluation: Educational evaluation includes testing to determine whether a child has a disability and the nature and extent of the special education and related services that the child needs. The term refers to procedures used selectively with an individual child and does not include basic tests administered or procedures used with all children in a school, grade or class. Written consent of the parent or legal guardian for such evaluation must be on file with the local school district prior to any child receiving an initial evaluation for special education and related services purposes.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information: Educational records containing personally identifiable information collected by schools in the identification, location, screening, and evaluation of children shall be maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Policies and Procedures of Special Education in Oklahoma. School Districts develop and implement a local policy regarding the collections, storage, disclosure, and destruction of confidential student records






Central Elementary

Stephanie Moore

Tammi O'Steen

(405) 665-4371

Middle School

Gary Alfred

Donna Maples

(405) 665-4105

High School

Angie Dixon

Brandi Ingram

(405) 665-2045

Special Services Director

Mallori Dixon

(405) 665-4371