Beginning Monday, March 23rd through Friday, April 3rd during the closure, Wynnewood Public Schools will be providing a sack lunch and a sack breakfast for all Wynnewood children ages 1 – 18 FREE of charge during the closure. Bus driver's will be delivering meals along bus routes. Please call the Superintendent’s office if you do not wish to have meals delivered to your home. We will also have meals available in the high school cafeteria for pickup between 11:00am – 1:00pm each day. For full details visit https://5il.co/dz4q

The Artesian is cancelling all events in April. Prom has been rescheduled for Friday, May 15. Keep in mind that this date may change also depending on rules and regulations that may be in place at that time.

Summer EBT for Children! Apply Now! Students receiving Free & Reduced Meals may qualify for free food this summer!

Beginning Wednesday, March 18 through Sunday, March 22, all of Wynnewood Public Schools’ facilities will be closed and all indoor activities will be canceled in order to give our custodial staff time to deep clean and sanitize our facilities and vehicles. We appreciate your understanding.

8th Grade Students and Parents

JH Softball RWB Tournament
Wynnewood vs Konowa
Wynnewood won 5-1 and will play tomorrow @ 11:00. . #GoSavages

I'm not sure who the clowns are this post is referring to...but the Juniors will be defeated...as always! Students, don't forget to buy your tickets tomorrow! $3, pay in the office!

Mark your calendars now!

High School Softball will host Dibble this afternoon, at 4:30 pm, at Wynnewood! It will be a high school game and a JV game.

Lady Savage Softball games scheduled for this evening, in Chickasha, have been cancelled, due to weather! Please help us spread the word!

Don't forget!!

Great job, Band!

7th grade Field Trip to the Okc Zoo

8th grade field trip to The Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum

The Proud Sound of Wynnewood is going to State! Congratulations students and Mr. Huitt on a job well done!

Prom Tickets on Sale Now!

Congrats, Powerlifters!

Let's send our boys off in style!

Calendar Change!

Good luck to our WHS Band students that are competing in Solo/Ensemble Contest today! Go Band!