Schedule change in softball for Monday. We will NOT be playing a High School Softball game against Stratford on Monday, per the request of Stratford.
Instead, we will play 2 - 5 inning JH games against Stratford starting at 5PM here in Wynnewood!
8/26/23 Women's Equality Day
8/25/23 Meet the Savages, 6 PM, Savage Stadium; MS Dance, 7-9 pm, MS Cafeteria
8/24/23 JH/HS Fast Pitch hosts Calera, 4:30 PM
Best deal of the year on yearbooks.
Order today for $45 and receive free personalization and icons.
It’s a $33 value. Offer ends September 15th.
![Order Yearbooks jostens.com](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5003359/large_5MkwB38l9HyW9mHCsmePSg.jpeg)
JOM Parent Committee Meeting
August 22, 2023 6:00 pm at Elementary Library
I. Call meeting to order
II. Declaration of Quorum
III. Discussion of current JOM status
IV. Discussion and review of By-Laws
V. Discussion of budget
VI. Discussion of next actionable steps
VII. New business/Discussion of events
VIII. Adjourn meeting
8/21/23 HS Fast Pitch @ Elk City Festival
8/20/23 National Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve Week begins.
8/19/23 National Aviation Day
8/18/23 Grade School Parade, 9 am
8/17/23 HS Fast Pitch @ Sulphur Arbuckle Shootout
8/16/23 First Day of Class
School starts tomorrow August 16th at 8:00am. Breakfast at 7:30am. Late start Wednesday's will start August 23rd. (9:00am) Breakfast at 8:30am
![School Start](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4948095/large_7c6iWLsO3Hz6b9rw5qt50w.jpeg)
8/15/23 Middle School Schedule Pick Up 8 am-3 pm; JH/HS Fast Pitch @ Latta, 4:30 PM
8/14/23 Military Marriage Day in Oklahoma. Elementary Meet the Teacher, 6-7 pm; HS Open Enrollment, 5:30-7 pm; MS Schedule Pick Up, 5:30-6:30 pm.
**Fastpitch Scheduling Update**
Saturday, August 12, 2024:
Due to scheduling error, today’s HS/JV fastpitch game versus Roff has been cancelled.
8/12/23 HS/JV Fast Pitch hosts Roff, 1 PM.
Yearbooks are in!
2023 Seniors can pick theirs up in the high school office. All others will be delivered Friday, August 18th. There are a few extra books that can be purchased for $55 while supplies last. Contact Monica Luck at mluck@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Parents and/or guardians you can now fill out the free and reduced lunch application online, located in the student records portal. Go to: www.wynnewood.k12.ok.us Click on: Gradebook (top right corner of page) Log into : Syslogist, Click on: Student Records Portal, Click on : Lunch Room Application. Fill out information and Upload
the Application by Clicking on: Green Checkmark in Top Left Corner
Media Day photos are up! There is a special digital package this year for families with multiple children or kids in multiple events/poses. Family packages MUST be of the immediate household. Favorite the photos you would like and they will be emailed to you directly. Thank you!